The Biggie (Part 2)
March 27, 2020
Last episode, Adam and David began their discussion about justification and found points of agreement between Catholic and Protestant theologies. In this episode, they consider grace and works and explore different articulations of the relationship between the two.
Both Protestants and Catholics agree that we are saved by grace, not by works; however, as Adam mentioned in the last episode, doctrinal emphases can be as much of a “bugbear” as doctrinal differences. This is evident as David stresses our volitional responsibility for works (as illustrated in the parable of the talents) while Adam describes works as the fruit that comes from Christ’s transforming power. Fortunately, the conclusion of both sides of this argument is the same: grace precedes works.
Listen in on this episode as Adam and David continue to pursue unity by revisiting the effects of the Reformation and addressing modern misconceptions in both traditions.
Jump Through the Conversation
[1:39] Recap of last episode
[2:55] Misconceptions of Catholic beliefs concerning justification by grace
[5:08] What it means to be saved by grace
[5:49] Salvation vs justification and works
Parable of the talents
The mortal sin of omission
Analogy of grace/works and driving a car
[9:57] Protestant understanding of works and the “utter gratuitousness of grace”
[11:58] Adam’s summary of points of agreement about grace and works
[13:23] The transformative aspect of salvation
[15:29] Misunderstandings about God’s character
[17:55] More thoughts on disunity and historical context
A resource of the Chattanooga House of Prayer