Rev. Randy Jackson, Part 3: Pastors United in Prayer

December 6, 2019

There are many reasons why pastors don’t hang out together: busyness, theological differences, fatigue, and even ego. But, as Randy and Adam discuss in this episode, praying with others in ministry doesn’t just help unify the church – it helps safeguard pastors against the Enemy’s lies.

Although Randy only (typically) attends his prayer group twice a month, it makes enough of a tangible change in his life that his wife encourages his participation. One of the main benefits of this time is being able to share the struggles, responsibilities, and experiences that only other pastors can empathize with. This is the key to dealing with what Randy calls the “satanic” tactic of isolation, making pastors believe they’re alone or that they can or should be self-sufficient in ministry.

Listen in to this episode to hear more about Randy’s fellowship with other pastors as well as an illustration from Adam on how prayer groups can be effective for all believers.


Jump Through the Conversation

  •   [1:18] More on prison ministry

    • The call and obligation to prison ministry

    • Church planting as prevention

  • [5:55] Why Randy makes time for prayer with other pastors

    • Encouraged by wife

    • Shared struggles and experiences

  • [10:17] Why it’s important to Randy’s wife

  • [10:44] Getting to know other pastors

  • [12:19] Why it’s important for pastors to pray together

    • Some experiences are unique to pastors

    • Refreshed perspective towards ministry

    • Helps with burnout and depression

  • [15:26] How this small time investment impacts Randy’s life

  • [17:29] Randy’s advice to other pastors

    • Importance of community

    • “Lifeguard fellowship”

  • [20:06] Differences in denominations don’t matter

  • [22:20] Dealing with issues on a spiritual level

  • [24:27] Adam’s closing thoughts about the importance of praying together


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